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文章出处:http://www.ycbzc.com 发表时间:2021/3/29

农药杀虫剂 | 农药原药 | 除草剂 | 植物生长调节剂
杀螨剂 | 农药助剂 | 杀菌剂 | 包装设备及用具
农药经销 | 农药生产 | 农药中间体 | 其他未分类

肥料氮肥 | 复合肥 | 叶面肥  | 肥料机械设备
磷肥 | 生物肥 | 腐殖酸  | 植物生长调节剂
微肥 | 有机肥 | 肥料原料 | 包装设备及用具
钾肥 | 复混肥 | 测土仪器 | 其他未分类

温室成套温室 | 温室设备 | 园艺设备 | 温室配件
温室资材 | 园艺资材 | 灌溉设备 | 温室
农用塑料、橡(乳)胶制品 | 其他未分类

农村能源太阳能 | 光伏农业 | 生物质能 | 液体燃料
沼 气 | 节能炉具 | 小型电源 | 太阳能杀虫灯
综 合

农机农业仪器 | 农业生产机械 | 动力与运输机械
农膜农具 | 环保节能设备 | 农产品加工机械
农机配件 | 清洁家园机械 | 农业试验用设备
灌排机械 | 水利工程机械 | 畜禽养殖设备及用具
植保机械 | 其他未分类

种业大田种子 | 蔬菜种子 | 油料种子 | 瓜果种子
花卉种子 | 牧草种子 | 杂粮种子 | 中药材种子
经济作物 | 种子机械 | 包装设备及用具

灌溉农业灌溉设备 | 滴灌设备 | 高尔夫灌溉设备
庭院灌溉设备 | 人工造雾 | 灌溉系统辅助设备
园林灌溉设备 | 其他未分类



Pesticide | pesticide technical | herbicide | plant growth regulator

Acaricides | pesticide additives | fungicides | packaging equipment and appliances

Pesticide distribution | pesticide production | pesticide intermediates | other unclassified


Fertilizer N | compound fertilizer | foliar fertilizer | fertilizer machinery and equipment

Phosphate fertilizer | biological fertilizer | humic acid | plant growth regulator

Micro fertilizer | organic fertilizer | fertilizer raw materials | packaging equipment and appliances

Potash fertilizer | compound fertilizer | soil measuring instrument | other unclassified


Greenhouse complete set of greenhouse | greenhouse equipment | horticultural equipment | greenhouse accessories

Greenhouse materials | horticultural materials | irrigation equipment | greenhouse

Agricultural plastics, rubber (milk) products other unclassified


Rural energy solar energy | photovoltaic agriculture | biomass energy | liquid fuel

Biogas | energy saving stove | small power supply | solar insecticidal lamp



Agricultural machinery, agricultural instruments, agricultural production machinery, power and transportation machinery

Agricultural film and agricultural tools | environmental protection and energy saving equipment | agricultural products processing machinery

Agricultural machinery accessories | clean home machinery | agricultural test equipment

Irrigation and drainage machinery | hydraulic engineering machinery | livestock and poultry breeding equipment and appliances

Plant protection machinery other unclassified


Seed industry field seeds | vegetable seeds | oil seeds | melon and fruit seeds

Flower seeds | forage seeds | coarse grain seeds | traditional Chinese medicine seeds

Cash crops | seed machinery | packaging equipment and appliances

Other unclassified


Irrigation agricultural irrigation equipment | drip irrigation equipment | Golf irrigation equipment

Courtyard irrigation equipment | artificial fog | auxiliary equipment of irrigation system

Garden irrigation equipment other unclassified



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