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文章出处:http://www.ycbzc.com 发表时间:2021/1/3

山东苹果供应山东苹果销售基地山东苹果种植基地山东苹果之乡山东苹果供应基地‘’我基地是我县种植大棚油桃已有几十年的种植历史经验,本基地位于山东日照---临沂,两市三县交界.交通便利、本地出产的“大棚油桃”品种齐全、色泽鲜艳、晶莹美丽、肉质细软、酸甜可口、外观和品质俱佳,品种有:中油4号、5号、中油9号、丽春、早红宝石、126油桃、早红2号;等油桃,杏有;金太阳、凯特等.深受到广大客户的一至好评;是水果生产基地,主要盛产早中晚熟;苹果,油桃; 全县优质苹果种植面积达到万余亩,主要以;红嘎啦;,黄金帅;,新红星;,乔纳金;,红富士;为主 我处苹果现已采摘,苹果无污染、无公害、色泽鲜艳、光亮红润,红中透粉,有条红、也有片段红,水分多、糖度高,口感好、脆甜香,质细汁多,品质上乘,个大形正,果形均匀.我地交通便利,食宿方便。


Shandong Apple Supply Shandong Apple sales base Shandong Apple planting Base Shandong Apple supply base My base is my county planting greenhouses nectarines have several decades of planting historical experience, the base is located in Rizhao, Shandong - Linyi, two cities and three counties border. With convenient transportation, the "greenhouses nectarine" produced locally has a full range of varieties, bright color, crystal beauty, soft meat, sweet and sour taste, excellent appearance and quality. The varieties include: CPC No. 4, NO. 5, CPC No. 9, Lichun, Early Ruby, 126 nectarine, And Zaohong No. 2. Etc nectarine, apricot have; Golden Sun, Kate, etc. By the majority of customers to praise; Is a fruit production base, mainly rich early, middle and late ripening; Apples, nectarines; County quality apple planting area reached more than ten thousand mu, mainly to; Red ga la; , Huang Shuai; , the new red star; ", Jonagin; Red Fuji; The apples in our company have been picked now. They are pollution-free, bright, bright and ruddy. There are red bars and red fragments in red, with much water and high sugar content. We have convenient transportation and accommodation.

All transportation requires foam boxes, which you can put in when loading seafood and other foods to ensure freshness, and can be transported over long distances.